Commission – Nora’s Portrait – final payment


Step 1: Down Payment for commission of Nora painting 16″ x 20″ = $410 plus tax = $441.78
Custom painting using your super cute photo of Nora sitting against a wall. Background colors from Belle the Beagle. Nora in golden browns and creams all in my unique GeoCubist style.

Step 2: I will send you the background for approval by April 24, 2024.

Step 3: I will send you the drawing for approval by May 15, 2024.

Step 4: Estimated completion by June 10, 2024. (completed August 15, 24)

Step 5: Balance due upon completion $410 plus tax = $441.77

Total $795 plus shipping with insurance $25 = $820.00 plus 7.75% GA sales tax

Grand Total $883.55

Once final payment is paid, and you approve the final painting, the painting will be shipped to you!

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Down Payment for commission of Nora painting 16″ x 20″ = $410 plus tax = $441.78
Custom painting using your super cute photo of Nora sitting against a wall. Background colors from Belle the Beagle. Nora in golden browns and creams all in my unique GeoCubist style.

Balance due upon completion $410 plus tax = $441.77

Total $795 plus shipping with insurance $25 = $820.00 plus 7.75% GA sales tax

Grand Total $883.55

Once final payment is paid, and you approve the final painting, the painting will be shipped to you! Estimated completion by June 10, 2024.

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